Thursday, January 31, 2008

February already?

Wow this blog has been taking a blow. I haven't been posting much at all. Most of the reason is I just feel like every post I write about work will just be littered with complaints about how I hate working with one of my teaching partners.

She acts dumb so she doesn't have to do anything.

She takes stuff from us (tests we make, etc.) and will not bother "lending a hand" and doing something herself without having to be told.

She never takes initiative.

She doesn't share any resources she does with her students. I walk in on her class (unfortunately we share a sink which happens to be in her room) and will see her kids working on stuff that I've never seen before. Hence no sharing.

No sharing yet taking what we've got = selfish bitch.

Even though I would like to teach grade 1 again, I'm asking for a grade change. We're allowed three choices. Grade 1 will not make the cut.


She ignores me unless she needs something = bitch

And these are my days. Hence the lack of posting. I hope that your years are going better than mine is.


IMC Guy said...

You'll survive. Keep thinking about the good you're doing with the kids. Stay positive.

Swirl Girl said...

I think there's at least one of these in every school. Well, in my school, there are like 8. Like we're in some kind of "contest". It drives me crazy too. Love your blog!

damned_cat said...

Whoa, I seriously thought you were specifically talking about someone *I* used to work with. Like c swirl said, there's on in EVERY SCHOOL!!