Monday, July 2, 2007

Been Way Too Long

Hello my friends in blogland! My apologies for my absence!!!

It's true. School has finally ended for me. The last day was on Thursday the 29th of June. Whoever said that the last couple of weeks for a teacher are a breeze is an ass. This is probably the most hectic time. Why you ask? Well, you're finishing curriculum. Writing report cards. Grading tests/assignments needed for the reports. Cleaning up your classroom (and if you're moving classrooms, putting everything in boxes). Putting together student portfolios. It's just not a fun time. But it's over! I can't believe that it is done.

I've had no real witty stories to share. I am teaching grade 1 next year so be prepared for some new stories (and hopefully ones that won't be erased because I had to switch to stupid beta). Perhaps throughout the summer I may post some old posts that were lost in the switch (luckily I saved them on a word document). Just so I've got something up for July and August.

Sooo ... I've been tagged by Mister Teacher to do a Meme. I need to give 8 random facts about me and then I need to tag 8 more people and let them know that they've been tagged. I'm really bad at tagging (and I don't even think I have 8 people on my blogroll) so I declare all those on my list to be tagged!

Here goes:

1) When I was 16 years old I found out I was allergic to cats when my eye suddenly blew up when I was around a cat.

2) I've taught grades 1, 2, 7, 5, 1 (in that order) since I started to teach in 2003. I've finished my fourth year of teaching. Does that still make me a rookie?

3) I have some major blog crushes.

4) I'll be done my Master of Education program at the end of August.

5) I'm the youngest girl in a family of 4 children. I'm also the only girl.

6) There's a dad at my school who is oh so yummy. I hope I get his son when he gets to grade 1 just so the dad can come on all the field trips with us. He's that kind of dad. Damn I need to get laid.

7) Part of the reason why I want to work in a high school is because I know that there are more guys who teach in that environment. I swear I'm not boy crazy.

8) I've tried pot. 3 times.


Bruce Soy said...

You know I'm not a fan of doing memes, but they do shed light on bloggers. I learned some new stuff about you via this post. Thanks Teacher. Um, I think you're no longer a "rookie teacher".

So you need to get laid? Ha.

Mister Teacher said...

Blog crushes???

East Coast Teacher said...

Everyone has blog crushes!

rookie teacher said...

Bruce - I find that people who do memes try and spice it up so they reveal things they wouldn't normally in a regular post unless it was the main topic.

And yes I need to get laid.

Mister Teacher - Uh huh. Meaning the crush is on the author of the blog. I bet you've got tons of bloggers out there who've got crushes on you.

Miss B - Exactly!

Mister Teacher said...

Tons of blog crushes? Somehow I doubt that... But in the meantime, I am "blog blushing." :)

Nichole said...

2) I've taught grades 1, 2, 7, 5, 1 (in that order) since I started to teach in 2003. I've finished my fourth year of teaching. Does that still make me a rookie?

Wow. I'd say you're no longer a rookie.

In case you're curious, I just happened upon your blog, hope you don't mind!