Friday, July 6, 2007

This is a story that happened in either September or October that I had written about. Gotta love the innocence of little kids.


One of my students flipped me the bird today. Literally. But I know that there was no bad intention behind it. Let me explain.

My class is gathered and talking about some useless aspect of our curriculum. One of my biggest pet peeves is students who don't pay attention during the lesson and then ask all of the questions that I would've already addressed!! ARGH!


I notice that one of my students is playing with his finger = not paying attention.

I stop talking and stare at him in hopes that he'll realize "miss" isn't speaking anymore and will look up to see why that is. Well he doesn't. So I say his name. He realizes that the reason I've stopped the lesson is because he wasn't paying attention. With a sad little frown on his face, he lifts up his right hand ... and extends his middle finger while simultaneously closing the remaining fingers against his palm.

I nearly die laughing.

I continue to look at him with a straight face and wait for him to explain why he's just mimed at me to fuck off. With a sad little voice, he proclaims that he's hurt his finger. I tell him to clean it with a Kleenex and that I'd give him a Band-Aid (though there was no blood ... I think he had a very minor paper cut) once we were through with the lesson. I then proceeded to continue on without so much as a smirk on my face. After all I didn't want to let on to the other children that this boy had done something morally wrong when they themselves don't know the meaning behind that well known action.

Thank God I don't teach an older grade. I would NEVER have heard the end of it!


Ms. Longhorn said...

That is priceless! I love little kids and their innocence!

Nichole said...

Ha! That's cute!

rookie teacher said...

Yeah my kids were a cute bunch!!