Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Twist On Words: Parte Deux

Little boy, while running back to his seat, pummels himself into the corner of a desk ... keep in mind the height of the desk and the regions that this corner could therefore cause discomfort to.

Little boy, yelps in pain.

"Owwwww!! I hurt my privates!!!"

Little girl #1 has witnessed this event and replies matter of factly:

"Those aren't your privates ... those are your nuts."

Little girl #2 who has also witnessed these events retorts:

"No ... those are your balls."

Heard in the walls of a grade 1 class (not mine).

These are kids who can barely string together a sentence, but ask them for synonyms of a boy's private region and they've got that covered.


East Coast Teacher said...

I wouldn't know what to say if I heard that coming from my first graders.

I'd probably have to resist the urge to snicker, as most of what they say is so damn funny.

Lemme guess...you teach in an urban/city school, huh? My friends who do always have the best stories - mine seem tame compared to theirs.

rookie teacher said...

I can never keep a straight face with those kids! This actually was told to me by a friend who does teach in an urban/city school. I'm like you dealing with the tame ones.

IMC Guy said...

Sounds like a perfect teachable moment on synonyms!!

rookie teacher said...

You can't beat that!

CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

Uh, at the risk of being totally obscene, yes, you can (beat it).

rookie teacher said...

Naughty, naughty!!!

Mister Teacher said...

Family jewels? Juevos? Junk??