Sunday, December 23, 2007

Last Day Of School

Friday was the last day of school and I'm off for 2 wonderful weeks!! This is so needed and while I have a list of things to do that would probably give the length of Santa's naughty list a run for it's money, I am glad to do them because there will be NO CHILDREN AROUND which I think is key. I actually look forward to ticking off all those things on my list because it will feel as though I'll have a restful but also productive holiday. I always get the rest part right but feel like shit when I have to go back to work and realize that I've actually done NOTHING.

The last day was pretty standard in that the kids didn't do a damn thing other than be merry and festive and fully loaded with sugar.

We threw in a movie in the afternoon as well. There were 4 classes (all grade 1's) and the teachers in one of the bigger classrooms. One of my teaching partners was writing up her Christmas cards and told me that she was just going to go to her room to put the cards away and that she'd be right back. Well the bitch didn't come back AT ALL! She stayed in her room and cleaned up/got herself organized while I was with my class (as were the other teachers) because it wasn't meant to be a planning time for us! So while she got her shit together, we were babysitting her kids and not doing any of the stuff we had to do (which would get done AFTER school was over, which is when we'd technically have the time). That pissed me off to no fucking end. Like 10 minutes before recess I sent her kids back to her room. No fucking way was I looking after them during recess. We kept the movie playing but just sent her kids back. I don't care if that was rude, but her being gone for like ONE HOUR getting her shit together while I'm stuck in there just took the cake. I think she realized that only her kids were sent down because she sent a couple of kids back to get the movie (which belonged to her) but we told them that we'd give it back to her later. Fuck that!!!

So that totally ruined the end of my day! The next time we do a class movie I'm going to take off when it's just her in the room and not come back. Fucking bullshit.

Anyways ... Merry Christmas everyone!


GaseousAnomaly said...

Enjoy your time away to recharge the batteries - I ahd a rough semester with the last class I had so I am looking forward to chilling out and hoping for a better batch come spring.

IMC Guy said...

Have a great break! I'm looking forward to the time as well. By the way, keep blogging - I really enjoy your thoughts.

Mister Teacher said...

Yowza! Who's the new hottie gracing the top of your page?? ;)

rookie teacher said...

Gaseous Anomaly - I hope you get a good batch too! Here's to a new year of teaching ...

IMC guy - Glad you're back to the blog! I enjoy reading you as well!

Mister Teacher - Ha! Who knows ... probably a porn star? I know that if I wore that to work I'd get my ass fired!

Swirl Girl said...

Why do teachers do this? Do they really think it's ok? I work with this chick's twin. For real. I think she thinks my whole job in life is to take care of her kids whenever she needs to "run to the office real quick". Whatev.