Saturday, March 17, 2007

Still Two Days Left Of March Break

Yes it's true. Count the weekend and you'll see. And why would you want to deny yourself the two extra days anyway?

SO .... it's officially Saturday. March Break is (almost) over. I have done stuff. Not all the stuff I wanted to do (up until now ... I still have two days left after all). But I did do ... stuff.

Let's go through the list that I wrote out on Monday to see what I can check off.

--> Clean my car .... no check.
--> Clean my study room ... check (it's not sparkling, but I see a floor and I see a desk).
--> Finish marking ... check.
--> Work on report cards .... checkidy check check check!!! I'm VERY happy with myself in this category. I still have some reading assessments to do but everything else is DONE DIGGITY DONE!
--> dentist ... cancelled (TWICE), not yet re-scheduled (he was sick)
--> time for friends ... check (does the phone count?)
--> study/read/make notes for my exam ... that's why my March Break is extended into the weekend.

So looking back on my list, it seems that I have done what I've wanted to do. I hope that I can focus enough energy into "preparing" for my exam as I am feeling under the weather.



East Coast Teacher said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Your list looks quite similar to the one I made for myself during February break - though I think I got more done this weekend than during all of February break.


rookie teacher said...

Thanks! And we all have our moments we're we are focused and driven and our moments where we just want to lay down and take a loooooooooooong nap!

Amy said...

It is nice to read/see a teacher who has organization issues like myself. I feel a bit better now.:-)

rookie teacher said...

Amy - You are MOST DEFINITELY not alone!

Anonymous said...

Snaps for Amy!

Hey Rookie...please post something because when I see the words March and heart sinks.

rookie teacher said...

I don't know that my new post will bring up your spirits ...